Friday, September 28, 2007



I decided not to blog too much about this, as it's a public blog and there actually ARE some innocents to protect.

But we had the hearing, on FRIDAY, not Wednesday as was planned. I almost had a melt-down when my attorney called and said, "I hope you haven't left yet." When I told him I was sitting on a friend's couch in Memphis and it was absolutely not an option to postpone it again, he said the judge was NOT willing to do it on Wednesday but would "move it to Friday, if you want, or to another day altogether. So the question is: Do you want to do it Friday, or come back again?"

So my whole self-care schedule--with bookend therapy sessions, a friend to accompany me to the hearing, decompressing back in Memphis for a day before returning home--all went out the window. But it was OK, cuz I found in the end that I am a big-enough girl now to do it myself. (And staying with my friends in Wilburton was wonderful. They are a kind, loving couple who know pretty much the whole story of my marriage and separation.)

The hearing went...fine. It was miserable as "his" attorney is a dragon lady. (For those of you who know her, picture Michelle Rappaport in all-out bull-dog mode and replace all her love and concern with pure animosity, and you've got his attorney.) But I was able to say what I needed to say, and I feel the judge will be as fair as Oklahoma law will allow him to be. He felt it was too complicated to rule from the bench (which I anticipated), so will "summarize the court's findings" and ask one of the attorneys to write the decree.

So its all done but the fat lady singing. Not sure what all the jots and tittles are, but it's basically over. If you want details, call me, or email me. As I've said to some of you, I feel like a snake who has shed its skin.

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