Wednesday, August 1, 2007

You've heard this story before....

So I have a divorce date.... September 19th. Anyone setting odds?

And the massage moratorium has been amended so that I can practice in an already existing establishment. I'm following some leads on that...

But, my arm is still not in shape to work. (For those who don't know, I fell down a friend's stairs several weeks ago and injured my right elbow. It's never gotten okay.) I have another appt with the doc on Aug 21. I think we are going to try a cortisone shot.

I really, really, really just want to go "home" to TN, but I know I have work to do here. I know I came here for some reason other than to crash and burn. I am trying to stay curious about what that reason is, but admit I'm finding it difficult to be optimistic.

Y'all call me or sumfin.